Sunday, April 20, 2014

Resurrection Sunday

Most often people set to change their lives on New Years Day. Weightloss goals are set, dreams of career changes are put into action and  plans of moving come to mind all on January 1st.  However, naturally it is more suitable for these  things to take course on Easter. In January it's cold and the natural state of the body is tiresome and lifeless. On the other hand, in the Spring the body is rejuvinated and ready for life's challenges.  We're like flowers, bunnies and bumble bees so with that being said, I mark this day of my life every year as the day to make my dresms come true. Easter Resolution is what It'll be. 

This year's goals:
1. Be better
2. Do better
3. Live better

Happy Resurection Day...
He lives so that I may live to.

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