Sunday, December 7, 2014

Natural Hair Craze

I know, it's cliche to be "black and natural" these days.  However, in my defense, I did it before it was popular and for very good reason. That reason being the blisters that appeared throughout my scalp after receiving a relaxer that was too stronger. Ever since that day, I vowed to leave the creamy crack in the jar. However, I debate about relapsing every time I have to wash my mop. So even-though I'm not really on a natural hair journey, Ive been fully natural for years now, I still recognize the constantly evolving relationship that I have with my hair. After a recent discussion with my cousin about the pros and cons of natural hair, I feel the need to encourage women to be free. Free to be natural, free to be relaxed, free to be curly, free to be pressed or free to just be whatever the he** you want to be. I'm natural because that's free for me but sometimes I'm curly, sometimes I'm straight, sometimes I'm just lazy and weaved or braided out. For BBBThink, this is a NO judgement zone so be your kind of FREE!!!  Oh and excuse or enjoy my many duck faces. :)

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