Wednesday, March 7, 2012

FFF Week

Full Figured Fashion Week 2012 is going down June 13 - 16 in where else but NY!!!  Of course me being me, I'm already browsing the site...trying to find out what designers will be there, who this year's sponsors are and more.  In doing so, I find myself on the page dedicated to the featured models of FFF Week (check them out) and who should I see listed (picture and all) of my old co-workers.  When I first met Autumn Richardson, it was about 5 years ago, I had just graduated from undergrad and I was working as a Marketing Clerk for Kings Dominion.  At the time, Autumn was working on her degree and was just starting her plus-size modeling career.  Now, she's one of the face-off models for the 2012 FFF Week.  So major-major-major kudos to Autumn Richardson!!!  Do your thing girl...I'll be cheering you on!!!

Exotic Bird Photo Shoot
Autumn Richardson

Photographer: Edward Lee
Makeup: Kara Mitchell

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