Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hands~Feet Chemistry

Eventhough I've never really touched on this topic, in my opinion your hands and feet are just as important as the clothes on your back.  I'm often asked how I get my nail polish to last so long or how I decide what color works best for me.  Well, I am not a fan of matching things, so you'll rarely hear me say, I'm getting orange nail polish to match my orange dress.  NEGATIVE!!!  However, I do like bright things and because I'm a brown skin sister, light colors work well for me.  My complexion gives it that extra pop/standout appeal.  Now, to be honest...I live in the pinks, purples and reds...what can I say, I'm a girlie-girlie!  But you have to decide what's RIGHT for YOU.  So, what's the trick to a long lasting manicure?!?  It's called Gel Polish.  It's a little heavier than the average polish and it doesn't chip after two days.  Most professional salons have started using this product because of the popularity but beware not all of them use the best brand.  I've had several types...even OPI has there version but I found the best to be the "Gelish Soak off Gel Polish by Harmony."  Unfortunately, this manicure will cost you $25 instead of the normal $10 but it will last for two weeks instead of two days.  Now on to my feet.  My skin is not smooth like butter and my feet are no exception.  So in order to not look like I walk around on rocks with no shoes on, I rely on an OLD remedy that my grandmother taught me years ago.  At night, right after a shower and right before bed...I rub my feet down in Vaseline, wrap them with seran (plastic bag will also work) and sleep in sox.  Don't laugh...I know it's not the most attractive thing but it works like magic.  You do that for two nights back to back and your feet will be smooth as a baby's bottom.


Some of the available Gelish colors by Harmony

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